Corporate Governance

Egetis is an innovative and integrated pharmaceutical company, focusing on projects in late-stage development for commercialization for treatments of serious diseases with significant unmet medical needs in the orphan drug segment

Articles of association


English translation is for convenience purposes only. Swedish version shall take precedence in the event of any inconsistency.

Egetis Therapeutics AB (publ)

§ 1 Name

The company’s name is Egetis Therapeutics AB (publ).

§ 2 Registered office

The company’s registered office shall be situated in the municipality of Stockholm.

§ 3 Object of the company’s business

The object of the company’s business is to conduct research, development, manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical products and other activities compatible therewith.

§ 4 Share capital

The share capital shall be not less than SEK 5 000 000 and not more than SEK 20 000 000.

§ 5 Number of shares

The number of shares shall not be less than 95 000 000 and not more than 380 000 000.

§ 6 Board of directors and auditors

The board of directors shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than nine (9) members.

The company shall have not less than one (1) and not more than two (2) auditors with or without deputy auditors or a registered public accounting firm.

§ 7 Notice of shareholders’ meeting

Notice to attend shareholders’ meetings shall be made through advertisements in the Swedish Official Gazette (SW: Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the Company’s website. The fact that a notice to attend a meeting has been issued shall be advertised in the Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. If the publishing of Svenska Dagbladet would cease, announcement shall instead be made in an advertisement in Dagens Nyheter.

§ 8 Shareholders’ right to participate in the shareholders’ meeting

Shareholders who wish to participate in the shareholders’ meeting, must be listed in printouts or other representation of the entire share register as set out in the Swedish Companies Act and notify the company not later than the day set out in the notice of the meeting. The last-mentioned day must not be a Sunday, other public holiday, a Saturday, Midsummer Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve and not fall earlier than the fifth weekday before the meeting.

§ 9 Annual general meeting

The annual general meeting shall be held not later than six months from the end of the fiscal year.

The following matters shall be addressed at the general meeting:

1) Election of a chairman for the meeting;
2) Preparation and approval of the voting list;
3) Approval of the agenda;
4) Election of one or two persons who shall approve the minutes of the meeting;
5) Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened;
6) Presentation of the submitted annual report and the auditors’ report and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements and the auditors’ report for the group;
7) Resolutions regarding:
a. the adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet and, where applicable, the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet,
b. allocation of the company’s profits or losses in accordance with the adopted balance sheet,
c. discharge of the members of the board and the managing director from liability.
8) Determination of fees for members of the board of directors and, where applicable, auditors.
9) Election of board members and, where applicable, accounting firm or auditors and prospective deputy auditors.
10) Other matters as set out in the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) or in the company’s articles of association.

§ 10 Proxies and postal voting

The board of directors may collect proxies in accordance with the procedure specified in Chapter 7, Section 4, second paragraph, of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).

The board of directors may before a general meeting resolve that the shareholders shall be entitled to exercise their voting rights by post before the general meeting.

§ 11 CSD clause

The company’s shares shall be registered in a central securities depository register according to the Swedish Securities Depositories and Financial Instruments Accounts Act (1998:1479).

§ 12 Financial year

The company’s financial year comprises January 1– December 31.


Adopted at the Annual General Meeting on May 30, 2022




Contact us

Address: Klara Norra Kyrkogata 26, SE 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 679 72 10
