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Egetis is an innovative and integrated pharmaceutical company, focusing on projects in late-stage development for commercialization for treatments of serious diseases with significant unmet medical needs in the orphan drug segment

Year end report 2015

February 29, 2016

PledPharma AB
Interim information

Year end report 2015

2015 - a year with key milestones achieved

Stockholm, 2016-02-29 08:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Significant events during the quarter

·       Interim data from PLIANT study –PledOx® shown to reduce long-lasting
        chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy by up to 75 percent

·      Constructive End of phase II/pre phase III-meeting with the U.S. Food and
         Drug Administration (U.S. FDA)

·      PledPharma's key patent application for the active pharmaceutical
         of the drug candidates PledOx® and Aladote® approved in the US

·      Transition to financial reporting according to IFRS standards.
         The transition has no effect on reported numbers

Quarter and full year summary

·       Net result for the quarter amounted to SEK -8 794 (-17 687) k and to
        -43 836 (-48 420) k for the year

·       Cash equivalents at the end of the year amounted to SEK 50 360 (100
304) k 

·       Cash flow from operating activities for the quarter amounted to
        SEK -8 953 (-12 573) k and to -51 153 (-41 405) k for the year

·       Result per share for the quarter amounted to SEK -0.3 (-0.7) and to
        -1.5 (-2.1) for the year

Other significant events during 2015

  -- Top-line results from phase IIb study presented in March - PledOx
 reduces nerve
     damage in conjunction with chemotherapy by 43 percent

·       Aladote® approved as a trademark in the EU and the US

·       Results from the Phase IIb study with PledOx® presented at the MASCC
       scientific congress.

·       Patent for the anticancer-effect of PLED compounds approved by the
       Patent Office and an use patent for PLED compounds granted by authorities
       in Canada, Russia, Mexico, Japan and Australia.

CEO comment

In the spring of 2015, we completed the treatment phase of a comprehensive
clinical trial, PLIANT, with good results. The study showed that PledOx® can
prevent the emergence of nerve damage caused by chemotherapy in a clinically
significant way in patients with colorectal cancer. Furthermore, it was noted
that PledOx® does not impair the effect of the chemotherapy and that the safety
profile is favorable. Interim data also shows that the preventive effect
against nerve damage is more pronounced six months after completion of
treatment -  the difference in symptom score between the patients treated with
the dose PledOx® 5 µmol / kg and placebo was 75 per cent. This difference is
both clinically relevant and statistically significant (p <0.01). Annually
about 1.5 million people are affected by colorectal cancer and up to half of
the patients treated with oxaliplatin get long-lasting nerve damage after
chemotherapy. Overall, our results indicate that PledOx® may be an important
treatment for facilitating desired chemotherapy courses and reduce the risk of
long-term, sometimes crippling, nerve injury. 

In November, we conducted an end of Phase II meeting with the FDA, where we
presented follow-up data from the completed PLIANT study and had the
opportunity to discuss the further development of PledOx®. The FDA gave
constructive advice, based on a careful review of the available documentation. 

During the year, patent protection for both PledOx® and Aladote® was
strengthened, when the US Patent Office approved our patent covering the active
ingredient in these two products. This patent is the most central in our broad
portfolio with protection extending to December 2032. 

In 2015, we have been preparing for the start of a Phase II study of Aladote®.
This work has included study design, discussions with key opinion leaders and
preparations for the development of an automated production process. Aladote®
is being developed to provide medical services with an efficient way of
treating acetaminophen poisoning irrespective of when treatment is initiated. 

During the past year, we have successfully completed the treatment phase of the
PLIANT study, strengthened our patent portfolio and conducted a constructive
meeting with the FDA. All of this means that the conditions for PledOx® to
become a valuable drug for cancer patients have been significantly improved,
while we have received clarity on the next steps towards market approval. 

I am proud of our achievements in 2015, which significantly increase the
chances of PledPharma to provide patients and healthcare providers with better
treatments for serious conditions caused by oxidative stress, and I look
forward to an equally productive 2016. 

Jacques Näsström

CEO, PledPharma AB (publ)

PledPharma in brief

PledPharma develops new drugs that protect the body against oxidative stress –
a potentially disabling and sometimes life-threatening condition that can be
caused by chemotherapy treatment and acetaminophen (paracetamol) poisoning. The
company's most advanced project PledOx® reduces nerve damage associated with
chemotherapy and positive 

results from the Phase IIb study PLIANT were presented during the spring of
2015. The drug candidate Aladote® is being developed to reduce the risk of
acute liver failure associated with acetaminophen poisoning. The project PP-099
seeks to limit the damage that occurs to the heart muscle during myocardial

PledPharma (STO: PLED) is listed on Nasdaq First North. Erik Penser
Bankaktiebolag is the company’s Certified Adviser (tel +46 8 463 80 00). For
more information, see 

For further information contact:

Jacques Näsström, CEO cell +46 73 713 09 79

Michaela Gertz, CFO cell: +46 70 926 17 75



Contact us

Address: Klara Norra Kyrkogata 26, SE 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 679 72 10

E-mail: [email protected]